Students at Heritage High School in Rockdale County attended school virtually on Monday because of threats on social media.
Laurel County Public Schools will extend the school day by 15 minutes to make up for lost instruction time. The change is effective immediately and will impact bus schedules and dismissal times.
With Virginia state code requiring public school divisions to provide at least 180 instructional days — or 990 instructional hours — per school year or face a loss of state funding ...
The school district used its last inclement weather day Feb. 6. Future inclement weather will result in virtual learning days. Baltimore County Public Schools’ virtual learning days happen on a ...
Rockdale County sheriff warns parents they can be held legally responsible if their child makes school threats.
Jefferson County Public Schools students will have one day added to the 2024-25 academic calendar after the district's board voted to extend the school year Tuesday. Members of the Jefferson ...
Read full article: Botetourt County Public Schools Superintendent announces retirement ‘I don’t feel like my child is safe’: mother says bullying at William Fleming High School led to her ...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3)—With school canceled Thursday, this is the third AMI day Springfield Public Schools has used for grades K-12. The AMI system, which uses alternative methods of instruction ...
As of Friday, Springfield Public Schools had used all six of its Alternative Methods of Instruction or AMI days for preschool and four of the days for kindergarten through grade 12. So ...
Several Triangle school districts have been able to avoid so far making up lost school days by having students take classes at home for remote instruction. Durham Public Schools, Johnston County ...
Due to a major winter storm, Springfield Public Schools canceled in-person and live virtual classes for the second day in a row. This marks the fifth day of school canceled for SPS in the 2024-25 ...
According to a spokesperson for Richmond Public Schools, students and staff made up one of the days missed on Tuesday, Feb. 18, which was originally scheduled to be a day off for students.