Several Middle Tennessee rivers still have high water levels after heavy downpour from the weekend.
FARGO — It is widely accepted that the northward flowing Red River is prone to spring flooding because the river flows north.
There's a 75% chance that the Red River will hit minor flood stage, 28 feet, in Grand Forks this spring, and around a 10% chance the river will hit a moderate flood stage, 40 feet. The latest ...
The latest outlook, released on Feb. 27, gave around a 60% chance of the Red River reaching at least minor flood stage, 28 feet, this spring and around a 10% chance the river will hit a moderate ...
There is no reason a summertime flood of 2009 or 1997 magnitude couldn’t happen given enough rain to saturate the soils and ...
This weekend's storm brought 3 inches of rain to Clarksville, according to gauges at the Clarksville Regional Airport.
The U.S. National Weather Service out of Grand Forks has released its final Spring flood forecast for the Red River this year ...
At the height of the flood, the Red River was the largest river in North America, covering 1,840 square kilometres of land — an area equivalent to the size of Prince Edward Island. At its widest ...
Sunday morning, the Cumberland River in Nashville crested at 35.85 feet, and hit 51.2 feet in Clarskville, about four feet shy of a major flood. The Red River at Port Royal crested at 45.6 feet, the ...
Tens of thousands of litres of raw sewage spilled into the Red River on Sunday in Winnipeg's Glenelm neighbourhood. An overflow alarm at the Hart Avenue lift station alerted the city's ...