Family and friends of a 15-year-old boy who was stabbed to death at his school gathered to remember a “social butterfly” who “deserved so much more” and “had dreams, plans and a future ahead of him”.
The New York City-based Catholic musician Meredith Augustin will perform several liturgies, lead the Taizé Prayer and sing at a workshop at this week's Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.
The process of electing a new pope follows rules and rituals that have been followed, and sometimes tweaked, since the 13th ...
He created a 300-person Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant choir and orchestra. Then he took a break.
Last Sunday the congregation in Brede said goodbye to Father Owen and family. He chose two well known Welsh Hymns  and Duncan ...
The Chuck Wagon Gang last sang at a Red Back Hymnal Singing at the Hullander Farm in 2019. Retired broadcaster Ben Cagle ...
A Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart also included a display highlighting African American candidates for sainthood and the huge church's first-ever liturgical dance.
Bundesliga club St. Pauli is grappling with whether to continue playing its traditional stadium hymn following recent ...