Discover what causes sleep talking, whether your nighttime chatter reveals hidden secrets, and how to reduce these nocturnal ...
Dogs, like humans, go through several sleep cycles—wakefulness, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid-eye-movement sleep. In the REM sleep period, the most memorable and vivid dreams occur.
Discover how sleep influences physical and mental health, improves daily performance, and helps prevent chronic conditions.
Moving your body helps your brain, a new study suggests.Folks who regularly exercise have better mental and brain heal ...
Chronic sleeplessness affects memory, decision-making, and mood. It increases the risk of mental health disorders, weakens ...
Want to protect yourself against diseases like dementia, stroke and depression? Reduce sedentary behavior and start exercising, a preliminary study says.
Unlike artificial language models, which process long texts as a whole, the human brain creates a "summary" while reading, ...
Deep sleep could be key to forestalling slow declines in brain health that may one day lead to Alzheimer's disease, the most ...
Think decaffeinated teas, fermented foods, cheeses and legumes.” But the first step to sleeping better is to make sure you ...
After a long day, there’s nothing quite like settling into bed with your controller in hand, promising yourself “just one more round.” But before you know it, the ...
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After a 20-minute session in an infrared sauna, you’ll likely emerge feeling re-energized, mentally alert and less prone to distractions ...