A 3-man panel of the Court of Appeal, Abuja Division, on Friday, stopped the reinstatement of Alhaji Mu­hammadu Sanusi II’s as the Emir of Kano. Justice Okon Abang, lead­ing the panel, halted the ...
The Yorùbá people’s history and values are deeply embedded in Ifá corpus, encoded in bi­nary form for processing. They are also preserved in folk songs like hunters’ songs (Ìjálá- Odo), praise poetry ...
On a deserted stretch of I-94, we dropped the hammer, and within a handful of heartbeats we were up against the 127-mph speed governor. A slight headwind that was unnoticeable at 80 mph moved the car ...
Virat Kohli talked about various topics including cricket’s inclusion in Olympics 2028, BCCI’s decision on family touring ...
Fraud Squad of­fi­cers are in­ves­ti­gat­ing a Face­book scam where fraud­sters swin­dled a Tu­na­puna cou­ple out of cash af­ter they paid for two hous­es ad­ver­tised on­line.
As Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley of­fi­cial­ly steps down from lead­er­ship af­ter a decade at the helm, po­lit­i­cal an­a­lysts have weighed in on his lega­cy, with one giv­ing him a fail­ing ...