Clean is good, but it has to run deep. Clean counters, clean toilets, even clean food just hits the surface. Lent is a time to come clean before God to examine our hearts be willing to allow God to ...
Many of the popular bingo calls we know today came about during the World Wars, when the game was frequently used as a fundraiser for the military. The origins of some of them are less obvious than ot ...
You need not punish yourself, holding your head so low, wearing your muddy boots into your house.Your Father is waiting to welcome you home and wash you with his gentle mercies. You are not a burden, ...
The times my mind slows down, while I flood our ice rink, is a great opportunity to be still and talk with God. It may ...
House of David suggests David may be Jesse's illegitimate son, blending biblical & Jewish traditions to explore his ...
These are the psalms numbered 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143 in a Catholic Bible, which were first referenced as such in ...
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base turns 100 this year, and True Concord Voices & Orchestra wants to throw the base a party. Not a big-bang fireworks kinda shindig; that will come later in March when ...
The Arbitral Tribunal of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) ruled in favor of National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP) in the case ...
The prepayment corresponds to 51.59 percent of the outstanding concession ... rendered a final award in the case filed by NGCP against PSALM and TransCo. A statement from SGP said “NGCP did ...
The first week will be focused on Connecting to God through Confession from Psalm 51: 1-12 with Rev. Jeff Chapin from the Conesville, New Moscow and Trinway United Methodist Churches. On March 12 will ...
Get 24/7 fact-based unbiased news coverage with the NewsNation app. (NewsNation) — For years, the U.S. Air Force installation known as Area 51 has been linked with extraterrestrial lore, but the ...
Rachel, NV, On The Extraterrestrial Highway, Highway 375, Home Of Numerous UFO Sightings And Near Area 51. (Photo By: MyLoupe/UIG Via Getty Images) (NewsNation) — Area 51 has long been a base shrouded ...