To discover na fíricí - the facts rather than an ficsean - fiction about the dude the Americans call St Patty, the Bluffer ...
A ceasefire in Ukraine is of personal interest to almost half the world’s people—not only for geopolitical reasons, but ...
Marco Polo (1254--1324) is likely the most famous merchant who ever lived. Even small children know his name, thanks to the ...
Her name comes from the Proto-Germanic word frawjō ... Additionally, Freya purportedly had her own unique form of transportation — a cat-drawn chariot. In the Poetic Edda, Freya is mentioned as an ...
It was a period when Greek society was transformed and the proto-urban society re-appeared ... and the ekphora (funeral procession) of the deceased. Chariot racing was also a common theme, along with ...
Detroit madman and doo-wop veteran George Clinton spent the 1970s running two of the wildest bands in the galaxy: Funkadelic for guitar-crazed rock, Parliament for dance-floor boogie. Only a ...
Winning the Academy Award for best picture requires succeeding through a combination of factors. Winning the Academy Award for best director, though, is the Academy’s way of pointing directly at ...