Columnist Clara Johnson offers messages of praise and appreciation each Wednesday. Contribute a Shout Out by email to [email protected].
HeartCry Missionary Society founder and preacher Paul Washer has stressed the importance of personal prayer, warning against ...
As the world marks five years since the pandemic began, a look at some of the moving moments that showed the grace and mercy ...
Stanley Hauerwas meditates on the necessity of the gospel, the politics of the kingdom, and the high demands of ...
What’s the Bible for? We asked dozens of writers to respond to this question in seven words or less, as well as to expand on ...
Robert Smith, Jr., Charles T. Carter Baptist chair of divinity at Samford University Beeson Divinity School, preached from 1 ...
After preaching on the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor in Luke's Gospel, the Rev. Daniel Kingsley shares how ...
A new conservative environmentalism that blends anti-modernism with nationalism and austerity is spreading across Europe.
International Women's Day These are trying times for those who preach the gospel of equality, but that doesn't mean folks are ...
The answer: by remembering that the church is also “God’s household” and thus “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Tim ...
In his new book, Believe, Ross Douthat contends that religious faith provides necessary social cohesion and personal meaning.
The issue is common with all focal plane shutter cameras. It occurs because the shutter is passing the image sensor too fast for the flash to sync with it. To resolve this issue, slow down the shutter ...