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computed tomography (CT) helps to evaluate the fracture pattern and joint comminution degree, as well as preoperative planning. 2 Tibial pilon fractures predominantly affect young men between 30 and ...
Implementing opportunistic computed tomography (CT) bone density screening could increase the osteoporosis screening rate, ...
Credit: Shahrzad Rasekh / CT Mirror Even with those limitations in place, the state’s procurement of EVs has been sporadic. Appleby said that DAS purchased the first EVs, a pair of Ford Focuses ...
Ken Pilon went into a dark space after brain surgery took away some of his cognitive abilities. But he said he's learned to reclaim his own value and self-worth. (Kirk Fraser photo) This First ...
200,000-square-foot warehouse proposed for CT town. It would connect to a freight rail line. 200,000-square-foot warehouse proposed for CT town. It would connect to a freight rail line.
“The accident itself was minor, but the momentary shift in Felix’s weight onto his arm caused him to collide with the armrest inside the vehicle, resulting in a fracture,” the label adde ...
Computed tomography -- also known as computed axial tomography, a CT scan, or a CAT scan -- is a tool doctors use to diagnose many types of health problems. Special X-ray equipment creates images ...
Israel Premier Tech rider forced to abandon stage 7, injuries to be assessed by an orthopaedic surgeon in Dubai ...
Suffering a serious ankle fracture often requires surgery to properly realign the bones and stabilize them while they heal. This procedure, called open reduction internal fixation (ORIF), comes with ...
She died peacefully among family at Pioneer Manor. Loving wife of Johnny Dorima Pilon (predeceased), mother to Aline Oman (Roger predeceased) and Nicole Zloty (Stan). Grandmother to Gisèle Robert ...