Gain 300 gold every time you discover ... Firaxis knows this, which is presumably why the Persian paragon has two alternate forms: Xerxes, the Achaemenid, and Xerxes, King of Kings.
Naming a baby is no easy feat. As soon as you’re pregnant, it seems everyone has an opinion! Whether it’s your mother, your mother-in-law, or the lady in line at checkout, it’s hard to sort through ...
On a late-summer day in 1856, a letter carrier stepped from a mail coach in front of a three-story townhouse in Mayfair, in central London. Crossing the threshold, the courier handed a wax-sealed ...
“Xerxes” by John Mackey Xerxes is a concert march. Xerxes, for those who haven’t seen 300, was King of Persia from 485 BC until his assassination by stabbing in 465 BC. Midlothian High ...
In the ancient battle of Thermopylae, King Leonidas and 300 Spartans fight against Xerxes and his massive Persian army.
But 300 didn't just spring to life on the big-screen. For its origins as a cinematic adventure which looks and sounds the way ...
A group of civil rights activists and supporters of the “No to Execution Tuesdays” campaign gathered outside Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran, on Tuesday night, chanting slogans against capital ...
With Iran already wounded economically and diplomatically, hard-liners forced out two top officials and blocked talks with ...