Anunciado há 35 anos pelo então presidente da República, pacote elaborado para combater a hiperinflação gerou consternação ao ...
Lemebel’s writing was entirely focussed on those living on the farthest margins of society—people escaping the norms and seen ...
World-renowned Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar says he’s not as crazy as he used to be, but he’s using his vibrant imagery to explore issues of aging and mortality . By Monica Castillo Photography by ...
Spike Jonze directed a commercial for Apple’s AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation starring Pedro Pascal, and you have to ...
Pedro Pascal will be a great fit for Reed Richards, but there's a lot more to celebrate when it comes to his The Fantastic ...
In perhaps the most bizarre moment in franchise history, five-time Sox All-Star left-hander Chris Sale, vehemently protesting ...
Inspector general report found Department of Management Services could not account for more than $57M in state vehicles ...
A defesa do ex-presidente Fernando Collor protocolou um novo recurso no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) contra a decisão que o ...
Luckily, the tattoo artists at Axiom Tattoo in San Diego are helping us all out. In a series of TikToks, the artists reveal ...
Two contemporary films reimagined the stories we tell about the sport.