This week on "The Metro," we discussed bike and pedestrian safety and how Detroit is making our streets safer.
The district approved new schedules, busses and sidewalks to increase pedestrian safety.
Woodburn is asking Union Pacific Railroad to voluntarily make changes, including reducing train speed, to improve safety after a recent fatality.
Many of those incidents involve elderly drivers who seem to focus solely on other traffic, failing to yield to pedestrians. It is alarming to consider the potential dangers faced by individuals with ...
Florida ranks among the top 10 deadliest states for pedestrians. New data found pedestrian deaths rose by 80 percent in the past 15 years. This week is Safe Streets week as leaders search for answers.
A busy Cambridge route used by thousands of pedestrians and cyclists daily will get a new bridge to improve safety. The ...
A new petition calling for "presumed liability" in civil cases involving road traffic collisions between motorists and ...
Every day, at least one crash involving a vehicle and a cyclist occurring in Rochester. In 2023 alone, there were 15 ...
Fed's walking strategy boosts pedestrian vs motor traffic, meets 2021 pact goal.
With no sidewalks, bike lanes or stop signs, the narrow two-lane road is hazardous, especially for pedestrians—many of whom are children walking at peak hours.
Driver and pedestrian safety is crucial for reducing accidents and ensuring safe roads for everyone. Here are some key tips.
L.A. leaders have yet to decide how to implement Measure HLA, which mandates street upgrades that prioritize cyclists, ...