U.S. carriers were in Thailand, Japan and the Eastern Pacific this week, while a carrier from France is set to visit the ...
Climatologists monitor several indices, some ocean-based and some atmospheric, to provide a quick indication of the state of certain climate variables and climate indicators. To monitor the Pacific ..
Africa is broken. It is being dissected by the famous East African Rift which extends over a length of 5000 km along the eastern side of Africa and seems poised to destroy Africa as we know it.
The Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles County continues to inch toward the ocean posing danger to life and infrastructure, ...
As tides push ocean water around the globe, its interaction with the planet's magnetic field generates a weak electric current. This current in turn produces a weak electromagnetic signal that can ...
Google began testing custom vehicle icons in Google Maps on iOS back last year in November and then began rolling them out to a few Android users in December. Now, the Google Maps App on Android ...
Current local time in Pacific Standard Time (Pacific Standard Time time zone). Get information about the Pacific Standard Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
As the Indian Ocean Region continues to shape global trade and security ... and uphold freedom of navigation across the Indo-Pacific. Future investments will likely revolve around modernising existing ...
Have you been paying attention to current events recently? See how many of these 10 questions you can get right. Compiled by Jeremy Engle Is there a goal you’d like to pursue by doing ...
Stunning discoveries and fresh breakthroughs in DNA analysis are changing our understanding of our own evolution and offering a new picture of the "other humans" that our ancestors met across ...