THE value of such a general synonymic catalogue as this work is obvious, but the increased interest which has been taken in Orthoptera in recent years, and the rapidly accumulating mass of ...
with the dragonflies included among the Orthoptera. Bees are regarded as constituting a single family, and the other major groups of Hymenoptera are relegated to a similar status. Furthermore ...
ABSTRACT: There is evidence that the development of plant communities determines the composition and structure of the orthoptera assemblages. This is the reason for using the orthoptera biodiversity ...
Background: Advances in high-throughput sequencing technology have led to a rapid increase in the number of sequenced mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes), ensuring the emergence of mitochondrial ...
ABSTRACT: There is evidence that the development of plant communities determines the composition and structure of the orthoptera assemblages. This is the reason for using the orthoptera biodiversity ...
At 5:45 p.m. the man minding the door at the Helsinki Bar in Butte's Finntown politely forbade additional entry. A line formed. The standing room only crowd inside buzzed and chirped like a swarm ...