Viktor Orbán, once Hungarian democracy’s greatest champion, is now its greatest enemy, while Republicans in America cheer on ...
Since bursting onto Hungary's political scene as the leading critic of nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, former ...
As the Hungarian prime minister said, the money was used to sponsor opposition media outlets and non-governmental organizations ...
Shocking new documentary reveals how politics and business collide in Hungary! Check out our article to find out more about ...
While the rise of populism has been a global phenomenon since 15 years, it has lately found particularly fertile ground in the lands of the former Danubian monarchy, Austria, Slovakia and Czech ...
Resurgent inflation, a declining birth rate and a marked dip in consumer confidence have put a dent in the re-election ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says his government will take legal action to eliminate non-governmental organizations ...
A Svenska Dagbladet című svéd lapnak adott interjút Krasznahorkai László író, aki a Kulturhuset Stadsteatern nemzetközi ...
A demokrácia törékeny, különösen a jogokkal felvértezett iskolázatlan tömegekkel szemben, az pedig több mint nevetséges, ...
Jó hír bejelentését harangozta be szerdán délelőtt Orbán Viktor a Facebook-oldalán, aztán egy rövid videóban azt jelezte: "2025. január: itt a repülőrajt", amely alatt azt értette, hogy elindult a ...
Mint, itt is, a kommentszekcióban. Így, kormányozni, nem lehet. Adják át azt olyannak, akit szeretnek is az emberek" - írta Orbán Viktor bejegyzéséhez Alekosz.
The European Union is facing another potential showdown with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban over his refusal to sign off on an extension of sanctions on Russia over its war against Ukraine.