This page links BBC Teach geography content to the objectives of the National Curriculum for England at KS1 and KS2.
An ocean may in time develop from a rift in the Afar Triangle, in the Horn of Africa which will be close to America.
The Atlantic Ocean isn't just close to the UK ... This film is relevant for teaching Geography within the National Curriculum in England and Northern Ireland at KS1, 1st Level in Scotland and ...
Since National Geographic began making maps in 1915, it has recognized four oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic Oceans. However starting on June 8, World Oceans Day, it will ...
The Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences (GSS) provides a unique spatial perspective that seeks to explain patterns of differences and commonality across the human and natural environment.
Productivity fuels life in the ocean, drives its chemical cycles, and lowers atmospheric carbon dioxide. Nutrient uptake and export interact with circulation to yield distinct ocean regimes.