Tom Goldstein had climbed to the top of the legal profession. His SCOTUSblog was required reading in law schools. He mixed ...
They wanted him to incriminate himself. At issue was a meet-up between a suspect and a cooperating witness in connection with a sweeping New Jersey corruption sting that would lead to the arrests of ...
President Trump said he was revoking former President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s security clearances on Friday as retribution for ...
Cheryl Rhines was driving to work in October 2017 when New Jersey state trooper Jennifer Albuja pulled her over. Rhines began ...
Readington Councilman John Albanese Jr. was supposed to go on trial Thursday morning in a dramatic case stemming from the ...
The releases are the latest fallout from a 2016 alcohol breath test scandal involving the New Jersey State Police.
Prosecutors expect a long jury selection process, potentially up to two weeks, because of the notoriety of the incident.
The New Jersey man charged with severely injuring author Salman Rushdie in a 2022 knife attack is standing trial in New York.