RPBW and Holger Meyer Architektenrenovation project seeks to transform an existing city-center building into a flexible, ...
Arztpraxen immer schlechter direkt erreichbar +++ Auto prallt bei Wetzlar gegen Hauswand +++ Frankfurter Narren feiern bei ...
Die Frankfurter Uniklinik streicht den Namen eines Hörsaals. Der renommierte Arzt Franz Volhard hatte in der Nachkriegszeit ...
A plan to create a German village at the Millennium Hotel property was among the proposals considered for redevelopment of ...
German national Thomas Schober wins $1 million in the Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire draw. Schober, a scientific advisor and father of one, has been participating in the promotion for seven ...
The developers of San Francisco's leaning Millennium Tower have been hit with another lawsuit, this one lobbed by four-time Super Bowl champion Joe Montana. SAN FRANCISCO (CN) – The developers of San ...
Vor der Veröffentlichung durchläuft jede Tripadvisor-Bewertung ein automatisiertes Überprüfungssystem, das Informationen erfasst, um diese Fragen zu beantworten: wie, was, wo und wann. Wenn das System ...
“Begin by descending,” St. Augustine wrote, more than a millennium ago. “You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.” Structural engineers in New ...