"St. Thomas Aquinas says that all of the works of God recorded in the Old Testament and everything that pertains to Christ in ...
One recent morning on Chicago’s southwest side, the manager of a Mexican grocery store began the day posted at the front door ...
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has released another Filipino version of the “Hail Mary” prayer ... will take me a lot longer to memorize the new ‘Ave Maria.’ ...
Patrick Fitzgerald has the ingredients for “Patrick’s Famous Snickerdoodles” memorized ... through their son in serving others. Their prayers were answered by the Rev. Chris Donley, pastor ...
I went to Catholic grade school ... pentecostalist Christianity into memorize the prayers and go to mass model of Catholicism. But there are many people for whom the intense zeal of evangelicalism ...
She lit the first prayer candle of the day ... seminar in the back of a public library one night. “You should memorize your alien number,” an advocate named Laura was saying, referring ...
"A certain memorization of some essential prayers, far from opposing the dignity ... constitutes an answer to a real need. That which is memorized must at the same time be absorbed and gradually ...
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (hereafter CCC ... At first the task is daunting; she must memorize a huge vocabulary and learn the rules of grammar. It is very taxing, and the student ...