A new study has ranked Delaware as the sixth-worst state for energy ... company assistance programs. The Chesapeake Utilities serves approximately 108,000 customers in Delaware and Maryland.
Despite ranking low in a study among states, Delaware offers several assistance programs for residents struggling with energy costs. Here's a rundown.
Your electric bill consists of three main parts: the supply portion, the delivery portion and a state-mandated charge that funds energy efficiency and assistance programs. The supply portion covers ...
The legislation would also bolster the existing Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, according to Heffernan ... lawmakers in both Delaware and Maryland. On Tuesday, Delaware Republican ...
Qualifying households can apply for an energy assistance program that could prevent power ... Applications will be available online, or hard copies can be picked up between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m ...
Easier path sought for more nuclear energy in Maryland; lawmakers ready $500M more in cuts; tensions erupt over expanding ...
Monday means rallies in Annapolis, this time for LGBTQ+, developmentally disabled advocates; Korman and Love get a very early ...
Potential cuts to Medicaid could eviscerate the finances of some D.C. hospitals and threaten the crucial services they ...
The White House had repeatedly said the funding freeze would not affect benefits that go directly to individuals.