A hidden epidemic of death lurks in California's homeless shelters, where violence and unhealthy conditions drive people back on the streets.
As subzero temperatures impact the region, prolonged exposure to the cold can be deadly. Community homeless shelters are ...
The by-names list is being assembled largely from the county’s Homeless Management Information ... or receiving support services, emergency shelter or other referrals. It also is being drawn ...
While an initial completion target of October 2024 has passed, the consortium hopes to have the shelter operational by fall 2025. The location for an anticipated hybrid homeless shelter could ...
a homeless shelter operating since 2021, offer resources to help homeless people. But Davis said with a total capacity of about 90 rooms, a months-long waiting list and specific requirements for ...
Even though Edgar's name isn't ... officials with the shelter wrote a letter to the City of London confirming Edgar and her child needed to be put on the priority waiting list for social housing.
People who are in shelters are counted along with unsheltered people. These counts are the primary method for accounting the homeless population ... gloves and narcan. A list of convenience ...
Though the city said a planned March 5 moving event doesn't mean the encampment will be cleared, similar events have led to ...