Luciano Hang, o empresário catarinense por trás da gigante do varejo Havan, nasceu em 11 de outubro de 1962, o que faz dele um libriano. O signo de Libra, regido por Vênus, é conhecido por ...
Aromoterapeuta trabalha o uso de óleos essenciais associando cada uma com as características dos signos do zodíaco ...
Signo: Áries ou Carneiro Nativo: arietino Posição zodiacal: de 0 a 30 graus Posição Temporal: de 21 de março a 20 de abril ...
Por Vando Fortuna, colunista - “Riqueza da Alma”, Mentor Espiritual e tarólogo. Contato: (41) 99861-2815 - Instagram e Tiktok ...
MintPress - Quando o primeiro-ministro israelense, Benjamin Netaniahu, exigiu que o exército sírio se retirasse do sul do ...
Libra, Daily Horoscope Today, March 13, 2025: A long journey you were planning might get canceled Libra, Daily Horoscope Today, March 12, 2025: Unexpected sources of income may come your way Libra ...
Don’t demur in expressing your needs—a potential pitfall for many a Libra. Take advantage of this solar power surge and rebalance the scales in any existing unions, whatever that looks like ...
Your words are becoming spells. The way you speak, the things you write, and the conversations you're having all shape your reality. But are you speaking from truth, or from a need to be liked?
Venus and Mercury will transit your seventh house and Venus will be retrograde. You will experience changes in your relationships and you will feel the need to reassess your connections with others.
You're being asked to ground your creativity in something real, something that can last. Whether in your work, your business, or how you care for yourself, this is about building a foundation that ...
Your daily Libra horoscope is here. Read on to discover what's predicted for you today and tomorrow in terms of love, money, health, work, and relationships. The Sun and Neptune meet-up for the ...