In a high-stakes CBA match, Hu Jinqiu of the Guangsha Lions faced a potentially dangerous situation that drew widespread attention and intense debate. During the fourth quarter of the game against the ...
In the competitive arena of the CBA, each match unfolds like a silent war fraught with tension. However, a recent incident during the game between the Guangsha team and the Tongxi team has forced a ...
A Magyar Asztalitenisz Szövetség (MOATSZ) főtitkára, Lencse Gyula úgy véli, a szervezetet támadó, szupertehetséges Fazekas ...
In an exclusive interview with ONE Esports, ⁠CTBC Flying Oyster head coach Wong "Chawy" Xing Lei talks about the roster and ...
Before them, two-time All-England runners-up Aaron Chia-Soh Wooi Yik, Ong Yew Sin-Teo Ee Yi, Nur Azriyn Ayub-Tan Wee Kiong ...
A new quantum computing breakthrough has sent shockwaves through the tech world. Researchers at USTC unveiled Zuchongzhi-3, a ...
Póta Georgina mellett Lei Balázs is képviselheti a magyar színeket a május 17. és 25. között Dohában sorra kerülő egyéni ...
Kedden elmaradt az egyiptomi élvonalban a Zamalek–Al-Ahli kairói rangadó, miután a játékvezetőküldés miatt tiltakozó ...
Középárfolyamon 494 milliárd forintnak megfelelő értékű, mintegy 37 kilométeres autópályaszakasz kivitelezőit választották ki ...
The dialect, culture and customs in Zhangzhou, a city in southern Fujian, are similar to those in Taiwan, and many residents ...
Schumer Backs Spending Bill and Lines Up Enough Democrats to Pass It Many Democrats wanted to block Republicans’ measure in defiance of President Trump, but Senator Chuck Schumer said a shutdown ...
The advent of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) has increased the lifespan of many people living with HIV. As a result, ...