A bucktoothed llama that spends his days comforting chronically ill children at a North Carolina camp founded by NASCAR royalty has been crowned the world’s oldest llama in captivity.
The selfie- and snuggle-loving llama called Whitetop is 27 years and more than 250 days old — and loves his job.
Il potere rivoluzionario della positività e della gioia, a cominciare da quando si è piccoli, per comprendere fin da subito ...
A Vajrayana Buddhist monk of French heritage and a PhD in genetics, Matthieu Ricard is the author of ‘Notebooks of a ...
A 85 anni dall’intronizzazione di Tenzin Gyatso, 14mo Dalai Lama, da Bonhams, per la prima volta all’asta, opere, filmati, ...
Wisdom of Happiness, scheda del film di Philip Delaquis e Barbara Miller, leggi la trama e la recensione, guarda il trailer, ...
He’s been at the helm of Tibetan Buddhism for eight decades. But the Dalai Lama reckons he’ll be around for at least two more. The spritely 86-year-old often cites an 18th century prophecy that he, ...
With profound grief, Tibetans across the world mourn the passing of Gyalo Thondup, a veteran Tibetan political figure and elder brother of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He dedicated his life to ...
At least 20 workers were abducted in Lama upazila of Bandarban last night. The incident took place near the Goyal Mara Murungjhiri rubber plantation in Phansia Khali union of the upazila. Confirming ...
Nelle ultime ore, la tensione nello Stretto di Taiwan è aumentata significativamente. Il Ministero della Difesa di Taiwan ha riferito che almeno 24 tra jet da combattimento e droni cinesi hanno ...
Nelle ultime ore, la tensione nello Stretto di Taiwan è aumentata significativamente. Il Ministero della Difesa di Taiwan ha riferito che almeno 24 ...
The Centre has provided a Z-category armed protection cover to Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama in view of potential security threats to him, official sources said on Thursday.