Cristiano Ronaldo dijadwalkan akan mengunjungi Indonesia untuk aksi sosial, bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Graha Kasih Indonesia ...
Program Cek Kesehatan Gratis di Manggarai Barat terhambat oleh kurangnya alat kesehatan. Simulasi menunjukkan beberapa pemeriksaan tidak dapat dilakukan.
Curah hujan tinggi di Medan diprediksi berlangsung hingga 3 hari ke depan. BMKG menyebut kondisi ini akibat belokan angin dan pertemuan massa udara.
From pink grass meadows in South Korea to rainbow mountains in Peru, step into a living painting where Mother Nature throws ... - Labuan Bajo tidak hanya menawarkan keindahan wisata alam, tetapi juga beragam pilihan penginapan yang nyaman. Mulai dari hostel murah hingga hotel berbintang dengan pemandangan laut. Bagi ...
Most scientists today believe the COVID-19 pandemic began at a Chinese wet market, with the coronavirus in question likely originating from a bat. It wouldn’t be surprising, given that many ...
A member of dragon dance club Naga Merah Putih (Red White Dragon) which is named after Indonesian national colors, holds the head of a dragon puppet prepared for a performance in a Lunar New Year ...
Credit: Indian Ministry of External Affairs Indonesia’s President Prabowo Subianto landed in Delhi on January 23 for his first state visit to India. Apart from his engagements with Indian ...
JAKARTA, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Nearly three decades after the fall of Indonesia's authoritarian leader, General Suharto, the nation's new president is causing unease among liberals and others by ...
Given the age-old civilisational connect, geographical proximity, and shared political impulses, India and Indonesia should have been much more cooperative partners, sustainably engaged with each ...