Alleged Sexy Boys gang boss Jerome "Donkie" Booysen has hit back against claims that he was a police informant saying those accused alongside Nafiz Modack misused his name to get kroon.
The drug network which the State claims was run by alleged Sexy Boys gang boss Jerome "Donkie" Booysen saw highly-skilled ...
The Elsies River CPF is under investigation following allegations involving member Claudine Coleridge and her connections to ...
The Charl Kinnear murder trial reveals shocking allegations linking slain kingpin Cyril Beeka to Major-General Andre Lincoln, ...
Modack told the court he became enemies with Lifman and Booysen after Lifman tried to purchase two of Modack's properties at an auction in March 2017. He said when they met, Lifman insisted he ...
The two men accused of murdering Mark Lifman in November 2024, Johannes Jacobs and Gert Bezuidenhout, made a brief appearance in the George Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, 20 February.
He was murdered in a shooting in the Cape Town suburb of Belhar on Friday in an incident which played out near to a home linked to brothers Colin and Jerome "Donkie" Booysen. Jerome Booysen is the ...
Lifman, and alleged Sexy Boys gang leader Jerome 'Donkie' Booysen and their co-accused, were meant to appear in the Cape Town High Court in November 2024 for the murder of Brian Wainstein, dubbed the ...
Modack is accused alongside Colin Booysen – the brother of alleged Sexy Boys gang boss Jerome Booysen - Jacques Cronje, Ashley Fields, and Carl Lakay. They face extortion charges relating to nightclub ...
He was due to appear in Western Cape High Court on Monday, 4 November, along with 13 other suspects including the alleged leader of the Sexy Boys gang, Jerome ‘Donkie’ Booysen, for the murder ...