Gli studenti del Corso di studi Trasporti e Logistica (ex Aeronautica) dell'Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico "Ettore Majorana" di ...
Le aule scolastiche, un tempo animate da colori e simboli carichi di significato, si trasformano progressivamente con ...
Una giornata di sport che ha visto trionfare gli studenti dell’Istituto “Ettore Majorana”, che si sono distinti con risultati eccezionali. In particolare, Yahia Kouraichi, studente della 1P ...
L'iniziativa, promossa nell'ambito delle attività di prevenzione e sensibilizzazione promossa dal CSI L’Aquila, dalla Sport & ...
Si è conclusa l'attività "Libriamoci 2025", che anche quest'anno ha visto coinvolti gli studenti dell'Istituto Tecnico ...
Majorana 1, deemed Microsoft’s groundbreaking quantum processing unit (QPU), marks the beginning of the next era of quantum computing. Built using a new class of materials called topoconductors, the ...
Microsoft has introduced Majorana 1, the first quantum chip with a Topological Core architecture, marking a breakthrough in quantum computing. Leveraging topoconductors for stable and scalable ...
Microsoft released Majorana 1, the world's first quantum chip ... Majorana fermion which was theorised as existing by scientist Ettore Majorana in 1937, a Bloomberg report quoted Jason Zander ...
Microsoft unveiled Majorana 1, a quantum chip the company says is powered by a new state of matter. The new chip allows for more stable, scalable, and simplified quantum computing, the tech company ...
Microsoft has unveiled its first quantum processor that uses Majorana particles instead of electrons, It is smaller than the palm of a hand and can scale up to a million qubits. Listen to Story ...
Those timelines may need to be advanced considerably, though; Microsoft has announced Majorana 1 (pronounced "Ma-ya-ra-nah", because it's Italian), the world's first processor powered by ...
It powers Majorana 1, the first quantum processing unit built on a topological core." A couple reflections on the quantum computing breakthrough we just announced... Most of us grew up learning there ...