A big question in the early Church was which books are the inspired written Word of God. (Inspired=written by ... lists are vague and incomplete (Acts 28:23; 2 Peter 3:16). There are also ...
Why does God allow suffering? In times of pain and loss, we may struggle to understand, but God's Word assures us that He is ...
King Andre, you are strong, wise, kind, and destined for greatness. You are a light in this world, and I pray that nothing ...
"No matter what you are up against, remember that God is for you. And if God is for you, nothing can come against you," writes-Vigorito.
Next, we turn to the Tower of Babel, another great Hebrew Bible story with a lesson for humanity: God rules over and slaps us ...
Bharat Thakur, a renowned yoga guru, emphasizes integrating yoga into daily life for physical and mental benefits. His Artistic Yoga fuses traditional elements with modern fitness, supporting ...
I can take people watching a drama from ecstasy to wisdom. I think that’s the role of a drama director,” said Moragahakumbura during an interview with the Daily Mirror. He believes that a ...
Over the weekend, actress, Tonto Dikeh, threw a party to celebrate her son, King Andre, as he turned 9 years old today ...
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Steve slammed on the brakes and pulled to the side of the road in anger and frustration. Grabbing the map and a ...
Therefore, you must first receive God's love, before you can love one another. Your level of living depends on your level of giving. Conventional wisdom says that your life will be better if you keep ...