A transradial approach for cerebral angiography was less effective than the transfemoral route in achieving an accurate diagnostic success rate.
originating from paramedian branches of the basilar artery; (E) the cerebellum, originating from penetrating branches of the posterior, inferior, anterior inferior, or superior cerebellar arteries.
Understanding the neural circuits that drive anxiety may help researchers discover circuit-specific targets and therefore ...
Overall complication rates were similar to those seen with transfemoral access, however, and patients liked it better.
“It’s really hard for native English speakers to see, and let alone experience, how not being fluent in English is commonly viewed as the same as being inferior as a scientist,” he say ...
uic.edu Purpose Although the anatomic course of the posterior interior cerebellar artery (PICA) is variable, it is thought to be very rare for the artery to cross midline, with an estimated incidence ...