A new book from Manhattan Borough Historian Robert W. Snyder collects dozens of interviews from first responders.
While it’s been widely believed for a long time that closing the toilet lid before flushing prevents the spread of airborne ...
Crystal Light's Vodka Refreshers just hit the market, so we had to see if they held up to our nostalgic memories of mixed drinks past (a.k.a. the early 2000s).
I’m all for a healthy, natural drink, so I decided to add cucumber water to my daily wellness ritual to see what, if anything, would happen to my body. I’ve always known cucumber water is ...
“I don't drink water. And when I say I don't drink water, I don't drink water,” Spelling, 51, said on the March 11 episode of her podcast MisSPELLING. “How I'm still living, no one know ...
Your ex-wife has told these tales because she has an ax to grind. Her motives are not pure. Your oldest daughter probably ...
Still, from age 14 to 37, I continued to drink alcohol socially throughout high school, college, graduate school, being a newlywed, and then as a new parent. I was successful at school ...
DEAR ABBY: I am a troubled older man. I was married with three children, but I drank too much. My wife and I divorced after 20 years of marriage. We were both flawed. I have been remarried and ...
From my first sip of Hooch at the age of 15, I always drank to get drunk. And why not – drinking was fun! As a teenager it felt new and exciting. At university I practically had a degree in ...