As winter winds down and spring starts to roll in, the Penobscot Fly Fishers welcome Mainers back to being outdoors.
Whatever season or sport you're prepping for, we've got the outdoor gear deals to send you cruising up the hill or down the slopes.
Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division, stationed at Camp Hale near Leadville, ski uphill along the Continental Divide. The ...
The $50 million makeover of L.L.Bean's flagship store and campus accelerated this week with the demolition of an exterior ...
Hiking the Appalachian Trail has changed a bit in the last 3 1/2 decades, but it is still worth every blister.
The Outdoors Calendar publishes submitted information on hunting, fishing, hiking and other outdoors events. Email details to [email protected]; send to LNP, Attn: Sports, P.O. Box 1328, Lancaster, ...
WestinTrends Outdoor Folding Adirondack Patio Chairs are on sale for just $100 right now at Walmart—a stellar 58% discount on ...
Friends of Pete Van De Carr placed flowers, hockey sticks, skis and heartfelt notes near the entrance of Backdoor Sports on ...
Steeplechase near Mazeppa said it was able to avoid to most of the cold snap due to only be open on weekends during most of ...
Actually, rucking is one of the latest hiking trends in Colorado, spurring Facebook groups, local events and an uptick in ...
Call2Recycle’s high-energy battery program aims to fill a gap in collection and ease permitting challenges for transport.
By Julie Harris, Bangor Daily News Staff Maine’s outdoor recreation economy has generally happened on its own, but the state has a plan to more deliberately grow it 10 percent in as many years. The 10 ...