Both oral herpes and genitals herpes are caused by types of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). The virus is passed when you come in contact with a herpes sore or its fluids. The virus can also be passed ...
Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. The foundation of good hair care is knowing your hair type and choosing products that nourish and protect the scalp without causing irritation. While there is ...
How healthy is your scalp? It’s a question more people are considering as the awareness of hair health starting at the skin continues to grow. “Scalp health is essential for strong ...
However, applying the wrong oils can make hair greasy or irritate the scalp, making it important to know what you're doing. To get to the bottom of this, we spoke to Dr. Faisal Ahmed Hammadi ...
HSV-1 infections in children most commonly cause gingivostomatitis, but these infections can also cause various skin infections, including herpetic whitlow, herpes gladiatorum, eczema herpeticum ...