In this week’s Parma Heights Police Blotter, , a concerned Beverly Drive animal lover called police about a large hawk caught ...
Several animal care officials are warning small animal pet owners about birds of prey. Officials say this is the time of year ...
In this week's segment of Turtle Bay Tuesday, Preston Donion met up with Sharon Clay and Orion, a Swainson's Hawk training to ...
State Rep. James K. Hawkins is sponsoring a bill to ban certain rodenticides to help save other wildlife. (No, we didn't make ...
Pennsylvania is among the top five states for animal-vehicular collisions with 150,000 insurance claims filed between July ...
Baltimoreans love to share stories of wildlife sightings. It can all seem natural and normal, especially in the greener areas ...
Grey Hawk, a cat who was hit by a car and left for dead, has been taken in by Erie Trap and Release and is being treated for ...
More than the birds, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary offers of world of natural discoveries with its Summer Nature Camps designed for youth entering first through sixth grade. Summer Nature ...
Residents of Ouse View care home, in Fulford, were pleasantly surprised to find the birds roaming around their ground floor lounge, courtesy of Owl Adventures.
A tiny bird in Australia has been spotted using fake hawk alarm calls to scare threats away from their nests to protect their ...