Beberapa elemen, seperti Gunungan dan Kaputusan, melambangkan keharmonisan dan ... Yogyakarta merupakan bekas wilayah Kesulatanan Ngayogyokarta yang kemudian dijadikan Daerah Istimewa (DIY) setelah ...
Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat kembali menggelar tradisi labuhan di Gunung Merapi di Sri Manganti, Cangkringan, Kabupaten ...
What is the best overall DIY home security system? If you're looking to protect your family and home, you'll want to invest in a home security system. The downside is that many of these systems ...
Gen Z adults are refusing to do basic DIY tasks and are instead hiring people to clean their car or change a lightbulb, new research suggests. Halfords said its survey of 2,000 adults showed ...
SURYA.CO.ID, SIDOARJO - Ratusan warga berebut gunungan sedekah bumi yang digelar di Pendopo Delta Wibawa, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur (Jatim), Sabtu (25/1/2025). Ada tiga gunungan di sana. Gunungan ...
The best DIY home security systems are easy to install, include motion and entry sensors, a loud siren and professional monitoring, all for a reasonable monthly fee. When you purchase through ...
Online retailer DIY Kitchens claims to supply kitchens at lower prices than other major retailers by cutting out the cost of showrooms. While getting a good price is important, you also need to know ...
Want to know what you can DIY to save some money? Here are 17 easy ideas. Paint isn’t cheap, and if you’re adding labor costs on top of that, a simple wall-painting project can get out of hand.
Dosen Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) Lili Suparli menyebut wayang golek telah menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupan masyarakat sejak abad ke-20. Seni pertunjukan ...
"Jika ini terwujud, wayang tatah sungging tidak hanya terlindungi secara hukum, tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi dan memperkuat identitas budaya DIY," ujar Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kemenkum ...
If unchecked, some board evaluations can be more of a choreographed performance – as in the spectacle of a wayang, or local street opera. Board evaluations are meant to be an exercise in ...