Whether you’re a “comeya” or a “beenya,” if you were a kid in the 90s, you probably know a thing or two about Gullah Geechee ...
The Gullah Geechee descended from Africans enslaved on the rice, indigo and cotton plantations. Efforts are underway to preserve the culture.
Summerville restaurant owner Wendell Barner has been serving flavorful seafood at Gumbo House Express at 120 Tupperway Drive ...
Much is being done in the Wilmington area to protect the Gullah Geechee culture, including it's language, folklore and other ...
“Brunswick County actually was one of the largest exporters of rice in this area,” Anderson said. In addition to the festival, work is underway to build a multi-modal path, called the Gullah ...
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters and Princeton University Professor Eddie Glaude join Chris Jansing to discuss President ...
To preserve Gullah Geechee and historically black gravesites throughout the Lowcountry, a former Charleston County Council member called a community briefing.
For Gullah Geechees from Chatham County, Fernandina or Ferndina Beach -- also known as American Beach -- was a major resort ...
Local advocates are expected to host a community meeting concerning Gullah Geechee burial sites this weekend. Organizers will discuss the Gullah Geechee ...