If the clouds obscure the sun, and there is no shadow visible, he remains out of his winter habitation and there will be no more winter weather. This is the legend of the groundhog, as told by the ...
SUN PRAIRIE − The annual battle between more winter and an early spring will be once again settled in Sun Prairie on Sunday by Jimmy the Groundhog. But what has Jimmy predicted in recent Sun ...
It's been six weeks since Groundhog Day 2025. It's time to see if the weather-predicting rodent, Punxsutawney Phil, was right ...
Groundhog Day predictions about the coming of spring put the ... Ancient people would watch the sun, stars and animal behavior to guide farming practices and other decisions, and the practice of ...
The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club declared the famous rodent ... so we like it warm,” Holly Reese said of the frigid temperatures before the sun rose Sunday morning. Despite the weather, she ...
The Winnipeg Sun's Daily Headline News Get the latest ... Living on the East Coast, Shubenacadie Sam is typically the first groundhog in North America to issue a long-term forecast.