With the Angus female herd bought with the property, they carried out an AI program on the classed heifers using semen from ...
In defense of happy cows
Building soil health is one of the highest priorities for improving the overall environment, but cropland is not good for soil health. Importantly, according to the World Bank, 83 percent of existing ...
Pushing farming systems to the limits to achieve high yields, even with minimal in-crop rainfall, highlights the success of a prime lamb and cropping operation in southern NSW.
Statewide hay supplies depend on conditions of winter forage crops and rainfall, according to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts.
Many years producers are calving during the early spring with cows grazing lush pastures. When cows that have just calved are ...
A steer that won the champion trade award at the Stanthorpe Show last year returned to win the grand champion grain-fed beast ...
Many years, we are calving during the early spring with cows grazing lush pastures. When cows that have just calved are ...
Facial eczema has become such a concern for dairy farmers in Gippsland and south-east NSW that dozens of farms are sentinel farms in a Dairy Australia program.
Alderspring Ranch crews don’t run cattle, they inherd, or ride with them, sleep beside them at night, and select grazing lands that put animals and their activity in harmony with the land ...