What the Bible and history tell us about the claim that God gave the land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants.
In the Book of Genesis, God promises a wandering herder named Abraham that he will be “the father of many ... Despite the varied and nuanced concepts of how to settle in “the promised land” found ...
In sacred Scripture, God's people are often on the move. The Bible shows us migration isn't just about survival, it's about ...
Nations warped by Israel-hatred tend to make one dumb decision after another.” Trump: You like keeping company with regimes ...
Trump’s current approach reinforces this painful truth: a planned, dignified migration could have preserved Palestinian lives ...
Statements by Washington and Tel Aviv endorsing ethnic cleansing plans in Palestine have forced Saudi foreign policy to ...
MAGA American among us must admit: Donald Trump holds sway over our times. Having dominated our politics for eight years, and ...
Building on his earlier classic work, Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum America, Carwardine observes that the Whigs, ...