A new week is rolling in, and it's time to turn to the Holy Trinity through prayer to keep you safe, steer clear of danger, ...
Let us praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; let us bless and exault God ... who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Are you starting a relationship and wish for it to be everlasting, overcoming all challenges? Faith and entrusting yourself to God can help, as there is a prayer to bless this new romance, ensuring it ...
love of God and love of neighbor. As an elaboration, the text paraphrases bits from the Sermon on the Mount: “Bless those who curse you, and pray for your enemies” (1:3). As the Didache recalls Jesus’ ...
There, I said it. You’ve been duly and officially hailed with that old greeting. Along with it comes wishes, prayers and hope for blessing, prosperity, peace and strength in ...