Each year, it's estimated that over a billion birds are lost due to collisions with glass. In response, architects, ...
With more than 500 bridges crisscrossing the city of Philadelphia, they are an integral part of daily life. In a city defined by its rivers, bridges make possible the connections between people.
Architect Masoud Akbarzadeh of the Weitzman School of Design at the Univeisity of Pennsylvania led a team of engineers and ...
Glass recycling should be a part of decarbonization efforts, but a lack of recycling facilities can mitigate those effects in ...
Gus Pine, Erie Events' executive director, wants to see construction begin soon because of rising construction costs, ...
Discover how to fortify your home against wildfires with cutting-edge, fire-resistant building materials and designs that ...
Insurers are demanding stronger building regulations to protect homes against cyclones, as engineers warn the tin-and-timber ...
Glass has been part of architectural design since clear glass was discovered by Alexandrian glass blowers around 100 AD.
The glass industry was an early presence in the newly developing East Cambridge of the 1810s and had a decadeslong run there.
This marks the latest step in the long effort to build a permanent memorial to honor the 49 victims of the June 12, 2016, ...
This breakthrough initiative unites various global leaders in their field: Groupe Beneteau, world’s leading manufacturer of ...
The Huntington Free Library and Reading Room (HFL), a city-designated historical landmark in Westchester Square, was ...