Researchers have engineered yeast to efficiently convert methanol into D-lactic acid, a key compound for biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals. By optimizing gene and promoter combinations, they ...
Promoter sequences are DNA sequences that define where transcription of a gene by RNA polymerase begins. Promoter sequences are typically located directly upstream or at the 5' end of the ...
In addition, regulatory sites on prokaryotic DNA are typically located close to transcription promoter sites — and this plays an important part in gene expression. For an example of how this ...
A new study published in PLOS Genetics has identified an extreme mutational hotspot within the genome of Pseudomonas ...
For the study, Reilly and his colleagues set out to understand how non-coding regions of DNA known as "enhancers" and ...
They also found that the three transcription factors co-occupy genes' promoter regions to regulate each others' activity. To characterize transcriptional regulation in human embryonic stem cells ...
Calculations of homology between the different insulin promoters and the human version ... are in agreement with the opinion that vertebrate genes and immediate upstream flanks are highly ...
New analyses find that divergent transcription, in which one promoter directs the expression of two adjacent genes oriented in opposite directions, is conserved across all domains of life. Jack is a ...
Chinese scientists have uncovered two major genes responsible for sorghum's double-grain spikelet, which dramatically enhance grain number and crop yield. A substantial 35.7-kilobase intrachromosomal ...
When introducing genes into yeast to make it produce drugs ... a piece of DNA called a "promoter," that tells the cells to start production as needed. Kobe University bioengineer TOMINAGA Masahiro ...
Max Planck researchers discovered a 5,000-fold increase in the mutation rate in the genome of *Pseudomonas fluorescens*. The mutation regularly occurred in the promoter region of the *rpoS* gene and ...