This move is your primary finisher, capable of eliminating weakened Pokemon that have been previously hit by Linear Attack. With only a 1 Energy retreat cost, Garchomp ex is also relatively easy ...
It is weak to Dragon-, Fairy-, and Ice-type moves, making these the best choices for dealing super effective damage. On the other hand, Mega Garchomp resists Electric, Fire, Poison, and Rock-type ...
Sadly, it lacks a Flying-type Fast move, which hampers it slightly. In terms of Dragon-type damage, Salamence is slightly worse than Garchomp but still above Zekrom, Reshiram and Dialga.
Essential counters include Primal Groudon, Mega Rayquaza, and Shadow Garchomp. As a dual-type Pokemon, Zekrom is vulnerable to Ground-, Ice-, Fairy-, and Dragon-type moves. Its stat distribution ...
Being a Dragon- and Ground-type creature, Mega Garchomp takes super-effective damage from Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-type moves. To learn more about type matchups, check out our Pokemon Type Calculator.
Instead, players should prioritize building a team that holds a Type or utilizes powerful moves of the Ice, Fairy, or Dragon Types - as these are Mega Garchomp's weaknesses. Keeping Mega Garchomp ...