In a body of recently published and forthcoming research, Jensen examined the antimicrobial effects of wood ants, a European field ant known for building dome-shaped nests in fields and open woodlands ...
He mostly casts fire ant colonies, but has poured liquid metal into seemingly abandoned carpenter and field ant nests, and they all look distinct. His anthill art is for sale, but the waitlist is ...
Carpenter ants (tend to attack when threatened). Crazy ants (inflict a mild wound with little or no pain). Field ants (bite, but only if disturbed). Leafcutter ants (have strong jaws that can draw ...
The finding suggests ants may not be able to adjust their behavior in response to warming ecosystems. This photo shows black field ants (Formica subsericea) at a bait station in the study.
From an airplane, cars crawling down the highway look like ants. But actual ants—unlike cars—somehow manage to avoid the ...
What's black and white and red all over? It might be a velvet ant. But discerning which one could be head-scratching challenge. It's a challenge made much easier, however, by a new field guide ...
The ant scurries along on six nimble legs. It catches up to its peers, a line of antennaed bugs roaming the winding surface of a tree, perpetually hunting for food. While doing so, each ...
The ant scurries along on six nimble legs. It catches up to its peers, a line of antennaed bugs roaming the winding surface of a tree, perpetually hunting for food. While doing so, each ...