"What if everyone decided to dump their ducks at Sloan's Lake? Like if everybody just decided, 'Who cares?' Then where would ...
Last week, at the quack of dawn, thousands of ducks descended upon campus. Atop tables, gates and flowerpots, an army of tiny ...
Joe Jurgielewicz & Son are able to put duck on restaurant tables from Philadelphia to French Polynesia, even during the avian ...
The bird flu in a flock in western Iowa is the second detection of the deadly virus in Iowa poultry in a week and affected ...
A commercial duck breeder farm in Indiana is the latest case of highly pathogenic avian influenza to be confirmed in the ...
A large group of wild ducks was spotted at the Padsan River in Laoag City, capturing the attention of motorists passing by ...
A backyard flock in Dallas County was the first known infection in more than two weeks in Iowa poultry. March and April are ...