Principal Joe Bowman’s cheesy “joke of the day” has become popular at the small, close-knit Greenfield-Central school. While ...
Looking for the best dad jokes? Look no further ... Why couldn’t the toilet paper cross the road? It got stuck in a crack. What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk.
Nonetheless, dad jokes are beloved (prized ... Ippei Naoi/Moment/Getty Images Did you hear the joke about paper? Never mind, it’s tear-able. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?
The running joke in racing is new fathers lose two- or ... And Lucy, for her first IndyCar race, got to snap a picture with her dad and with some hardware — something the 2022 St. Pete winner ...
Scan the room at a Jason Manford gig and you’ll see hundreds of happy people nudging each other and exchanging knowing nods.
Still coming to terms with her father's past two years after his death, Ashley Randele took to podcasting to find answers.
My paternal grandfather died before I was born and everyone loved him. Through genealogy I learned so much about him and I ...
Chantelle Ellem, who runs the popular social media account Fat Mum Slim, popped into Woolies at Banora Point in northern NSW ...
Simple one-liners, quirky dad jokes, and wholesome puns may not be ... Because it had too many paper jams. I asked if I could leave work early the other day, and the boss said, yes, if I made ...