Experts warn federal spending cuts will make the country sicker and poorer as healthcare costs rise without new treatments.
Diabetes cannot be eliminated by drinking salt water, experts say, contrary to false posts circulating online in Indonesia ...
Biomedical engineer Joshua Doloff uses federal funding to pioneer immunotherapies that could free diabetes patients from ...
This simple, cost-effective tool has the potential to revolutionize type 2 diabetes care, helping millions of people ...
ATTD conference, experts debated whether patients who use continuous glucose monitoring should aim for normal glycemia.
Diabetes Alert Day recognizes diabetes and its complications. One condition, known as diabetic peripheral neuropathy, affects ...
Managing diabetes and chronic lymphocytic leukemia is challenging, but with proactive care, mindfulness and diet changes, I'm ...
City of Hope, one of the largest and most advanced cancer research and treatment organizations in the United States and a top ...
Despite weight loss and glycemic control, experts caution that type 2 diabetes remission is not a cure and that pancreatic ...
"Although these drugs were developed to treat other disorders, including kidney disease, heart disease and high cholesterol, ongoing studies have shown they can reduce the risk of vision loss in ...
Type 1, not type 2 diabetes, is autoimmune. There are other rarer autoimmune types. Learn about type 2 diabetes, immunity, ...