I thought its tail looked like a sturgeon, which didn’t figure. “Finally, he got it near the boat, and I got a glimpse of the fish and saw it was a cobia. That’s when I told Koby to take his time ...
Eighteen-year-old Koby Duncan was fishing on a Jazz Charters boat for his buddy’s birthday celebration. According to Sport ...
An incredible new record appears to have been set by an ecstatic group of Australian fishermen who yesterday reeled in a "mind-blowing" cobia fish weighing in at a whopping 80 kilograms.
Heading to the Palm Beach International Boat Show? From closing the deal to grab and go, our handy list of best restaurants ...
MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Agriculture (DA) has approved the importation of 25,000 metric tons (MT) of various frozen seafood such as salmon, squid, scallops and sardines to boost ...
The Department of Agriculture (DA) has authorized the importation of 25,000 metric tons (MT) of various frozen fish and seafood in the next three months to avert any potential price spike ...
Angler Koby Duncan was fishing off Rottnest Island which sits just offshore from Perth when he hooked up with the fish of a lifetime. The previous IGFA fishing world record for cobia sits at 135 lb 9 ...
Rhode Island and some Massachusetts lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams designated as trout-stocked waters are currently closed ...
The Department of Agriculture (DA) has approved the importation of 25,000 metric tons (MT) of various fish products, including salmon, sardines, clams, and squid, for the period of March to May.