A pulmonary bleb is a small collection of air between the lung and the outer surface of the lung (visceral pleura) usually found in the upper lobe of the lung. When a bleb ruptures the air escapes ...
Normal corneal innervation and cell distribution ... IVCM has proven useful in the follow-up of filtering blebs after trabeculectomy.
At the EnVision Summit 2025 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Tania Tai, Lucy Shen, and Shivani Kamat all gave insight into ...
Palmberg P, Zacchei AC . Compression sutures: a new treatment for leaking or painful filtration blebs. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1996;37:s444.
IVCM has proven useful in the follow-up of filtering blebs after trabeculectomy. Normal corneal limbus demonstrating palisades of Vogt.