High-Resolution Anisotropic Tomography Reveals Mantle Flow Complexity and Slab-Plume Interactions, Redefining Subduction Zone ...
Continent-sized structures of mineral protruding from the lower mantle towards Earth's outer core may be contributing to an ...
The two continent-sized provinces have been known since the 1970s, but it’s only in the last few years we’ve started to ...
Tectonic plates move, causing strain energy to build up, and that energy eventually releases in the form of an earthquake. As ...
Deep within Earth’s mantle lie two enormous, continent-sized structures known as LLVPs. Scientists once believed these ...
Surprising differences in the two so-called Large Low-Velocity Provinces may risk instability in Earth's protective magnetic field.
A new study has revealed that two continent-sized regions in Earth's deep mantle have distinctive histories and resulting ...
A new study led by researchers at Cardiff University, the University of Oxford, the University of Bristol, and the University of Michigan has revealed ...
Convection currents within the mantle contribute to plate movement. The mantle's convection currents pdf the location of divergent boundaries and trenches. Interaction between the rigid lithosphere ...