Antimicrobial resistance in cow-calf operations Adult cows and calves on twenty ranches in northern California had fecal samples taken to evaluate bacteria in feces for antimicrobial resistance. 2.
Coccidiosis is seldom a problem in young calves ... This information was prepared for the Great Plains Beef Cattle Handbook by Gene White, D.V.M.. University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Kurt Wohlgemuth, D ...
A new study identifying genetic factors contributing to bovine tuberculosis (bTB) susceptibility could represent an important ...
Pork can carry taenia solium larvae, a parasitic tapeworm. After eating infected pork, the larvae get into body tissues where ...
Meat Goat Management 101 The demand for high quality, lean, goat meat is continuing to increase in the United States.
Minnesota has reported its first bird flu case in a dairy herd since last summer via a new milk testing program. (Rich ...